How to write a career essay
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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Quit as Predicate Adjective
Stop as Predicate Adjective Stop as Predicate Adjective Stop as Predicate Adjective By Maeve Maddox Does any other individual wince at the utilization of quit in the business that says: 44% of †¦ clients were stopped during weeks 9 to 12 of treatment. The setting shouts for quit as an action word, not as a predicate descriptor: 44% of clients †¦ had stopped following nine weeks. The OEDs passage for quit in predicative sense offers these outlines: At the point when the book was reestablished the borrower [was] pronounced quit. (1866) This contract presents the privilege of having one man quit from tallage in each imperial precinct. 1928 Ralph isn't stopped of his wartime despairing. (1945) He is worn out on Sophina. He wishes to be stopped of her, however she can't bear to leave him. (1997) The model from 1866 sounds somewhat like lawful language. The one from 1928 utilizations from where we may state of. Those from 1945 and 1997, which incorporate the molecule of, sound entirely colloquial. When beginning to compose this post, Id expected to contend that no one uses quit with a being action word without the of, however Ive discovered numerous instances of the infinitive expression to be stopped, for the most part in casual writing in remarks and gatherings, and for the most part regarding beating the cigarette propensity: I am appreciative to be stopped. It is 5 months and 3 weeks. In any case, one thing I have not dismissed:  How really genuinely appreciative I am to be edgy to be stopped. Smoking was a [habit] that must be stopped. David Gelkin has it right †the thought stopping is in every case awful †is a thought that should be stopped. Be that as it may, in the wake of hearing Ms. Rice’s portrayal of Christianity, I’m thinking it has the right to be stopped. Expression is precarious. The announcements with to be stopped dont irritate my ear the way that medicate business does. Is it just me? Need to improve your English in a short time a day? Get a membership and begin getting our composing tips and activities every day! Continue learning! Peruse the Expressions class, check our well known posts, or pick a related post below:Arrive To versus Show up AtUsed To versus Use ToEpidemic versus Pandemic versus Endemic
Saturday, August 22, 2020
How To Respond To Workforce Diversity Challege Assignment
Step by step instructions to Respond To Workforce Diversity Challege - Assignment Example 196). Despite the fact that the partners are reliant gatherings in the working environment, regarding one’s individual contrasts can decidedly build the authoritative efficiency. Workforce decent variety can prompt decrease of claims and lift showcasing openings, imagination, business picture, and enrollment. In a period when inventiveness and adaptability are the variables of intensity, decent variety will be basic for the organization’s achievement (Erlenkamp 2007, p. 6). Then again, workforce assorted variety if not very much oversaw can represent a genuine test to this association henceforth bringing down the organization’s profitability. A ranking director ought to comprehend the difficulties in overseeing workforce decent variety in an association. The chief ought to comprehend that overseeing workforce assorted variety is trying than essentially recognizing representatives' disparities (Paludi 2012, p. 23). A ranking director ought to have the option to pe rceive the estimations of all distinctions in the association, advancing comprehensiveness, and battling segregation. Assorted variety in the working environment has caused supervisors in the association a test with misfortunes in work efficiency and faculty because of segregation, preference, objections, and legitimate achievements against the association. Administrators must utilize fitting measures to react to workforce assorted variety challenges (Cornelius 2002, p. 258). This is on the grounds that decent variety negative practices and mentalities can be impediments to the authoritative assorted variety since they hurt representatives working connections, wreck spirit, and work profitability. Required instrument that ranking directors should use to oversee assorted variety Effective ranking directors are cognizant that, there are key abilities that are fundamental for guaranteeing a profitable,... The administrative and official groups' promise to an association is important. Directors and pioneers inside associations need to fuse assorted variety measures into all parts of the capacity and motivation behind the association. Assorted variety perspectives in an association start at the highest level separating downwards. The executives support and collaboration are fundamental to guarantee a social helpful condition for the achievement of the organization’s plan. Suggestion: A ranking director ought to guarantee use of assorted variety preparing in the association. Assorted variety preparing ought to be being used so as to shape the organization’s decent variety arrangement. Suggestion: A ranking director must advance a disposition of transparency in the association. This incorporates urging representatives to stand up their suppositions and thoughts so as to property an equivalent worth sense for all. End. A different workforce in an association is an absolute im pression of a changing commercial center and the world. Assorted work bunches carry positive qualities to an association. Regarding the employees’ contrasts will be an additional bit of leeway in the working environment since this makes a serious domain and expands the organization’s profitability. Workforce decent variety the board is invaluable to partners since it makes a sheltered and reasonable condition where all representatives approach difficulties and openings. An assorted workforce the executives instrument ought to be drilled to prepare all representatives about issues of decent variety.
Friday, August 21, 2020
SIPA welcomes a domestic policy magazine about universal truths COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
SIPA welcomes a domestic policy magazine about universal truths COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog Being a part of a school that is always buzzing with discussions of and debates over pressing policy issues, it is hard not to get excited when some of your peers work hard to add another channel to do so. The school and the student body provides numerous platforms for this but the newest addition to the list is the print version of Columbia Public Policy Review (CPPR). CPPR started as a student-lead blog that has been publishing thoughtful and timely policy pieces on pressing US domestic issues. It was founded at the beginning of Spring 2015 with Jen Kim, Caitlin LaCroix, William Colegrave, Thomas Gaffeney, John Olderman and Audrey Yu as the founding board. The inaugural print edition of the magazine was published in November 2016 and features nine articles by SIPA students and faculty. Experience Publishing Inaugural Issue I had a chance to chat with former CPPR board President Erin Kathleen Dostal, who is a second-year Master of Public Administration candidate at SIPA, concentrating in Urban and Social Policy (USP). I asked Erin how the initial experience of gathering articles was like since this was the first print edition of the magazine: “We started looking for authors in May 2016. When you start from the grassroots level, you tap the people you know personally.†Although this was the reason why most students involved with the magazine ended up being USP concentrators, Erin clarified that they had very different backgrounds and interests. Will Jordan, the Editor-in-Chief of the magazine, has experience working for YouGov and a strong quantitative backgroundand chose to write about polling. Camille Gray, on the other hand, is a lawyer and her article focused on the dispute between Apple and the FBI [over the San Bernardino shooting and the contention over U.S. communications laws]. She also elaborated on the publication process: “Putting together the articles was easy in comparison to the other things that needed to be done, like coming up with the layout for the cover. Natasha Avanessians, the Vice President and Treasurer, and I went through piles of New Yorker, Wire, Cosmopolitan to come up with the cover for the magazine.†She also mentioned how her experience of working for a magazine before helped with the process. But while we discussed thesechallenges, she did not forget to acknowledge the amazing efforts put forward by the board members and admired their competency on the job. “The people involved are amazing. Will made sure that everything fit together, going back and forth to the writers with questions and getting the best out of them. Natasha had to make sure all the financial operations ran smoothly. I knew Cathleen Gates from before, who works for Gates Sister Studio, and she gracefully offered to do the cover for the magazine for free.†Policy Focus I was curious to know more how the board selected specific topics to feature in the magazine. It was also interesting to note that the focus of CPPR is solely domestic policies, despite the fact the school has such a diverse and international crowd. Erin shared her view on the matter and I realized how CPPR was different from similar initiatives at SIPA. She said,“We are not exclusionary. The policy areas chosen are very broad and have an impact on a wide range of people, both international and domestic. Besides going to school here, we also live in New York, which in itself is a very international city and it is important for us to know about the domestic policy-making process. Given the fact that other similar platforms, like the Journal of International Affairs, focus more on international policy, and that the majority of SIPA students are international, CPPR is a unique platform to talk about domestic policies. The content of the magazine, ranging from Obama’s racial legacy t o an aging LGBT population in New York City, attest to the truth in that statement. Events CPPR has partnered with student organizations to host policy dialogues. Erin excitedly highlighted one event from last year where CPPR collaborated with Women in Leadership (WIL) to host “Women Shaping New York’s Policy and Politics.†The event focused on the crucially important topic of female participation in grassroots politics and housed a panel of women serving in a leadership role in the city’s government. Moving Forward The magazine has a new board that has already assumed responsibilities, and Erin hopes that they will publish twice every year. Talking about challenges Erin mentioned, One of the major hurdles faced by the previous board was financing the publication cost. SIPA Student Association (SIPASA) allocated funds for hosting the events, while we had to fundraise to finance the publication of the magazine itself. She is hopeful that fundraising will go smoothly this semester and in the future. In the meantime, the online platform is open and active for any domestic policy related discussion. If you are interested in writing for the Columbia Public Policy Review as a new student next year, send them an email
Sunday, May 24, 2020
German Language Lesson Writing Dates
Writing dates can differ from language to language and change with each context. Though it is taught from day one in class when you write the date on your page, often other ways of expressing dates are neglected. In German, it is, of course, the grammatical cases that one has to watch out for when writing these dates. Writing the Date in a Letter Stadt/city, den (acc.) 16.5.11Bonn, den 16.5.11 Bonn, den sechszehnten fà ¼nften zweitausendelf. Dates in Other Writing Contexts Stating the day of the week along with date:Am Samstag, dem 5. Juni, wurde er geboren.Samstag, den 5. Juni.Not stating the day of the week:Sie ist am 25. Juni geborenHeute haben wir den 25. Juni. (fà ¼nfundzwanzigsten)Heute ist der 25. Juni (fà ¼nfundzwanzigster)Stating from one date to another without indicating day of the week:Vom 16. Mai bis zum 20. Mai.Stating from one date to another while indicating day of the week:Von Montag, dem 16. Mai, bis Freitag, dem 20. Mai.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
The Public Policy Of The Country Essay - 1619 Words
In many instances elections will influence a specific policy but will not influence the public policy of the country. The fundamental cause is that the majority of voters do not have the minimal and basic knowledge requirements to control public policy. People make decisions about what they know, for instance higher taxes leave a person with less money and they will as they say vote their wallet. In that instance tax policy may be changed but the overall public policy of foreign affairs, education, housing will not change because the electorate is not knowledgeable about many of those issues. In many ways voters are very ignorant about politics and do not know what is in their best interest. How do people compensate for their lack of knowledge? Many people use information shortcuts to help them make decisions on how to vote. An information shortcut is voting for a party because they know the beliefs of the party but not the specific facts of the issue or the specific candidate. Vot ers use information shortcuts in order to learn about a topic without spending more time. For example, author Ilya Somin wrote that 57 percent of the population did not know who Newt Gingrich was in 1994. Somin also stated, â€Å"70 percent cannot name either of their states senators. Overall, close to a third of Americans can be categorized as ‘know-nothings’ who are almost completely ignorant of relevant political information†(Somin 416-417). What are the reasons that cause the lack of knowledgeShow MoreRelatedPublic Policy Is An Objective Oriented Action Plan1646 Words  | 7 PagesPublic policy is an objective-oriented action plan that the government pursues in handling various problems facing the country. The design and application of public policy in the country derives its rationale from the laws. Despite this feature, individuals that are not legislators often set public policy. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Adoption Statistics National Adoption - 1265 Words
In a perfect world, all children would be loved and nurtured and live in a cozy home with a stable family. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. In the United States â€Å"over 400,000 American children are in foster care, taken away when their families are in crisis and can’t take care of them†(â€Å"Statistics on Foster Care†). Out of all those children in the foster care system about â€Å"114,556 of these children are available for adoption†, which means the biological parents’ rights have been legally terminated through the court system (â€Å"Adoption Statistics: National Adoption Month†). That is an immense number of children who do not get to have the same bond and love that a biological child would get from their own parents. The foster care†¦show more content†¦Whether the child is a biological child or a foster child, both deserve to always have stability, support and a loving place to call home, even if it is tempo rarily. Most biological children have all of these benefits since they reside with the birth parents. The biological parents will always stand by their children and take care of them. Birth parents will always provide a roof over their child’s head, love them with all their hearts and support them in any and all decisions the child may make growing up, while showing them right and wrong decisions. The child may not always make the best decisions, but the parents stay hopeful and stand by them every step of the way. All of those things sound great; however, with a foster child they were not provided the same love and care and were removed from their birth parents. Even though they are no longer with their birth parents, it is the foster parents’ job to love, care, cherish and support the child in the decisions he or she will make, but also guide them down the right path and show them what a loving family is made of. Even if you only have the child for a few months, you have the ability to teach the child lifelong lessons and set positive examples for how healthy families should function, which the child may not have been taught by his or her birth parents. As you see the foster child grow and learn what a loving family is and just see the smile on the child’s face, knowing that they are now loved and cared for is
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Companies to Watch The Gap and Nordstroms Essay Example For Students
Companies to Watch: The Gap and Nordstroms Essay I chose to research two very different apparel retail stores. The GAP, Inc. and Nordstrom, Inc. are very interesting companies to me because they deal with something that is very important to me and a lot of people, clothes. Everyone buys and wears clothes, and these are two companies who have succeeded in this venture. They both started out with the same intentions, to sell apparel through specialty stores, but at this point Nordstroms has been more successful. In theory these two companies are very similar because they are trying to accomplish the same thing. They both sell apparel, shoes and accessories for women, men and children through specialty and clearance stores. The clearance stores mentioned are Nordstrom Rack and GAP factory outlet stores. They also stress the use of personalized customer service. The GAP and Nordstrom feel that good customer service is the way to keep customers happy and thus keep them loyal. Because of this, they have many employees to serve their customers and spend a lot of time training these employees. These companies are also set up in the same way. They each have a chairman, president, and a couple of vice presidents. They both operate on the New York Stock Exchange. Another interesting similarity is that they both are based out of the west coast, The GAP in San Francisco and Nordstrom in Seattle. But this is where the similarities end. The sizes of these two companies are very different. The GAP is a global retailer with about 3,700 stores and 166,000 employees worldwide. Nordstrom on the other hand has about 77 stores nationwide and 43,000 employees. It does operate one international boutique, Faconnable, mainly in Europe. The GAP has three brands including GAP, Banana Republic and Old Navy, all operating in their own stores. Because of this huge difference in size, the GAP has much higher revenue than Nordstrom, but this doesnt mean that its a better company. In the news lately, the GAP has been under a lot of scrutiny because its sales have been down so much causing their credit rating to lower as well. Investors feel that this is due to the sharp slowdown in consumer spending, growing competition and series of fashion misses. It has too many stores open to sustain this major hit on sales. They have very little debt, but analysts think that this combination spells a future bankruptcy. This would only happen if the company could no longer meet its financial obligations, thus allowing the court to divide its assets among the creditors. The GAP assures consumers and investors that this isnt going to happen though because of the amount of cash it has. Nordstrom on the other hand has done very well in the past year. So well that its fourth quarter profits were up 88 percent. This has happened because of new stores and progress in the areas of expense management and inventory control, which caused sales to go above and beyond what it spent for salaries and other expenses during those three months. The GAP didnt do as well. It is expected to not have a profit at all this year, instead a loss of $22 million. This is because its costs and expenses are more than its sales. This is unfortunate, but a sad reality of the business world. I learned a lot doing this paper. I never realized that the GAP was having so many problems, but now I am fully aware of this. It seems like they were doing just fine, but now that I think about it, they did kind of go awry the past couple of seasons. Im sure they didnt see this coming and hopefully theyll be able to bounce back and recover from this. Nordstrom was a very interesting company to look at as well. They definitely have a good thing going. Just enough stores open and sales to give them a profit. I just hope that the same thing doesnt happen to them as the GAP. It would be hard to see such a rock in the apparel industry go under. But according to analysts, this definitely wont be happening any time soon. I now see how
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